
Thursday 23 April 2015

Who is to be blame? Touching Story of Man Who Lost Girlfriend Because He Was Broke!

 Information going round the Instagram feed today and ran across this post from @thehumansoflagos. We reposted it on our weddings IG account and it has garnered over 500 comments so far! A lot of people are finding it difficult to believe, blaming the lady, while some are finding fault with her parents.

Here’s the story that has a lot of people have been talking about this evening.

“My girlfriend left me 4 years ago, we started dating when we were in JS3 and we planned to get married as soon as we finish Uni and get good jobs. After graduation and NYSC I applied for jobs but didn’t get any.

I had this childhood friend, he already had a job and was doing well. We were not that close but we grew up in the same area and went to school together at some point so I consider him a friend and he knew I was dating my girl. One day, my girlfriend told me he asked for her hand in marriage. I was very angry, he knew we were together and have intentions of getting married once I find my feet.

Before I knew what was happening, he took drinks to her parents and they accepted him knowing fully well me and their daughter had plans. My girl cried and cried, she didn’t want to get married to him but her parents pushed her and she eventually agreed.

It was the lowest point of my life, I locked myself inside for weeks and even thought of committing suicide. She was the love of my life and it really affected me. I’ll be 28 in a few weeks and the only thing that matters to me now is work, happiness and becoming a better man.

They’ve been married for 4 years but she hasn’t been able to conceive. She said her mum told her to go and beg me and ask for my forgiveness. I told her I have nothing against her, I wasn’t ready and it wasn’t her fault. I’m actually not happy she hasn’t conceived and I do pray God Blesses their Union.” #HumansOfLagos

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