
Saturday 15 November 2014

Terroist take over school, slaughter three restrict movement in Hawul

                          State of emergency in three states of Nigeria
Does these boko haram group have human sympathy in their life? Following the ousting of the Islamic sect, Boko Haram from Mubi town in Adamawa State by Nigerian troops, the dreaded sect members are said to be assembling at a Primary School in Manjakwa, Hawul Local Government of the troubled northeastern state of Borno.
An eyewitness who saw the assemblage of the insurgents told newsmen on Saturday Morning that the insurgents have slaughtered three people while others were lined up for slaughter.

According to him, they are as at the time restricting movement of villagers in the neighbouring villages of Kwajjaffa, Tashan-Alade and other smaller settlements around Manjakwa village of Hawul local government.

It would be recalled that the insurgents had earlier attacked Chibok town, killing not less than 30 people and burning down houses in what was described as hit and run while fleeing Mubi town as a result of heavy military power, which overwhelmed the sect.

Our Correspondent also learnt that, after Chibok, the sect attacked Hong local government area of Adamawa State as well as Gombi Local Government area before proceeding to Manjakwa to assemble at the Primary School where they are currently tormenting villagers.

While telling their stories, residents of Chibok town told our correspondent that, the managed to escape through God’s intervention.

According to them, the villages and towns around Chibok were left unguarded, making it easy for the insurgents to have a field day.

One of the residents, Bitrus Yakubu said: “The whole of last year and this year was bad news for Chibok people, only prayers can end this crises. The Federal government needs to do something even if it means declaring a total marshal law, remove all the governors and institute strict military rule in the northeast.

“The insurgents are many, that means there are still many dangers ahead unless drastic action is taken by the Federal Government. I really do not know why the President is allowing the governors to stay on in this kind of situation. They do not have feelings for their people and it seemed they are enjoying the party.

“Security funds are being wasted on other irrelevant things while people are dying everyday,” Yakubu said

Mallam Anjili Balami, who managed to escape to Biu from Tashan Alade informed a relation in Maiduguri that the insurgents who are currently assembling at the Manjakwa Primary School are more than 400 and have taken position to check incoming security operatives.

Hassan Balami
Explained what is happening in his village when he said: ” My brother who escaped told me that they have inform security operatives in Biu but didn’t know the level of mobilisation to oust the insurgents from the village.

According to him, ” I also spoke with my father who is currently at home. He said, the insurgents are restricting the villagers from moving out of the town even as they have slaughtered three people already while others who were in their custody, mostly youngmen, were said to have been lined up for slaughter unless they agree to Islamize.”

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