Nigeria has managed to successfully defeat the Ebola virus spread within the country but other West African countries might still be in grave danger.
The Ebola virus has killed about 4,000 people in West Africa so far, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan- Williams of Action Chapel International in Ghana has revealed that the disease might be penetrating Ghana between October and November 2014.
According to reports, the General Overseer of the Ghana-based ministry told his congregation on Sunday, October 12, 2014 that God revealed the Ebola issue to him in his sleep.
‘I was resting and [at] 1 am, the Spirit of the Lord woke me up and He said: ‘Are you sleeping?’ And I said: ‘Yes I’m sleeping, and He said: ‘Wake up!’ So I did and He said: You have to go into prayer because the Ebola virus is looking for a door to enter your country between October [and] November’.
So I’m telling you, you can write it down. I don’t just say things. I put 38 years of credibility on the line. So if I don’t hear, I don’t talk. When I say it you better believe it,’ he said.
Considered the world’s most lethal threat at present, Ebola Virus Disease has killed about 4,000 in West Africa alone with Liberia most hit while many in Sierra Leone, Guinea and a few in Nigeria have also fallen victim to Ebola....
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