
Monday 20 April 2015

Politicians should learn from boko Haram insurgency — BADEH

 Ahead of the May date given by the military authorities for the final liberation of the vast Sambisa Forest and communities within from the remnants of Boko Haram terrorists, Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh has urged politicians to learn from the experience of the insurgency noting that it is a form of revolt against neglect and abandonment.

“As our democracy grows, I believe our political leaders, particularly at the state level will see that it is better you take care of the needs of people, otherwise, they could revolt against you; and what has happened with the Boko Haram insurgency is a kind of revolution, driven by hopelessness,” he said.

The CDS who was speaking weekend when the Support Our Troops Foundation presented 3,000 books to the Defence Headquarters for distribution to the libraries of military schools, maintained that the Nigerian Troops were very much on course in the war against terrorism in the north east and called for continued public support.

“Terrorism is a product of hopelessness, when people feel that life does not worth living. They now throw all sense of decency and caution to the wind” he said.

His words, “Very soon, what is happening in the north east will be overcome. But we can’t say it will be the last in history. Yes we will overcome all the major challenges and drive terrorism out. What will be left are those who will resort to criminality.

Once insurgency starts in any country, you live with it. It happened in many countries and resulted in domestic terrorism. In America for instance, a young man will just carry a gun and start killing people; that is terrorism. We should be vigilant at all times”

Badeh commended the foundation “for keeping exploits and dedication of the armed forces in the psych of Nigerians, and reminded them that Nigeria is better secured when the troops are motivated and when they are supported to do their work.

He appealed to leaders at all levels and Politicians to develop programmes and policies that would improve the lives of their people noting that it was either they improve the lot of the people or the same people they neglected to amass wealth would turn against them.

He said, “Nigerian troops are very brave soldiers, we have seen it all, all over the world. We had issues last year which have been overcome; and we have promised that not again will we allow those things to happen in Nigeria, and we are going to keep our words.

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