
Thursday 2 April 2015

OMG! See Wicked Rapist who Attacks a 13-yr-old Girl and Pays her N590 Each Time

A sex attacker who repeatedly raped a 13-year-old was jailed for 18 years today. According to DailyMail, 42-year-old Ghanaian Alex Baah and also a father-of-three, paid the girl £2 after each assault, raped her at an address near Croydon and sent her perverted text messages.

The victim finally complained to police in August 2013 when she was aged 15. Jobless Baah denied touching the girl and claimed she had planted evidence and stole his mobile to send the messages.

But the jury convicted him of five counts of rape committed between 2010 and 2013. Judge Simon Farrell told the father-of-three his behaviour was ‘wicked'.

He said: ‘This was a terrible case. The damaged caused to this girl is incalculable. Rape of a child is a particularly serious offence and calls for severe punishment.’The girl, who cannot be identified, told how Baah would give her money after he raped her.

After an attack in early August 2013, she turned up unexpectedly at her aunt’s house in floods of tears. Her aunt said: ‘As soon as she arrived at my house she walked through the door and said: “He’s been touching me.

I called her mother and she managed to get hold of her first but she was hysterical and wasn’t talking clearly. Then she showed me the text messages.'Baah’s name had been saved in the girl’s phone under ‘P****’, the court heard.

Traces of Baah’s DNA were found on the girl’s clothes during a medical examination after she alerted police. Giving evidence Baah claimed: ‘I don’t know how it got there, but the only way I can think is she go to the bathroom and use it against me.

’He also tried to argue that text messages sent from his phone may have been an attempt to set him up. Baah, of Plumstead, denied two counts of raping a child under the age of 13 and five counts of rape of the same victim between 2008 and 2013.

In addition to his jail term, the judge passed a sexual offences prevention order which bans Baah from wilfully being in the presence of a girl under the age of 16. He waved at relatives in the public gallery as he was led to the cells.

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