
Monday 23 March 2015

How to Get a Girl to Like You

Beautiful Girl
This week, Silvester Odinaka writes on one of the biggest questions frequently asked by guys on campus: “How do I get her to like me?”

1. Appearance
Even though men tend to be more superficial than women, don’t be fooled. She is paying attention, and she too wants something nice to look out. It doesn’t mean you need to have expensive clothes or flashy jewelry. Simply learning how to present yourself as well put together can do wonders. Know how to rock a suit, and that casual outfit. Don’t forget a nice pair of shoes. A lot of women are looking at your shoes whether you realize it or not.

2. Ambition
A man with no aspirations and no drive can be a huge turn off for a woman. Yes there are plenty of good for nothing men getting women to be with them, but that is due to a deeper issue to be discussed another time. The reality is most women crave a man with some ambition. Having passion and a purpose can really do it for her. It gives off the energy of a man who is about handling his business, and a woman loves to see that.

3. Communication
Your words and knowing how to use them can be powerful. The ability to communicate can make you a very desirable man. That is how some men who don’t have many of the other things on the list still get women.
They learned how to listen, and how to seduce her mind with effective communication. A lot of women love to talk and a man that knows how to talk to them can see a huge benefit

4. Good Hygiene
A lot of women are sensitive to smell, so if your breath or body is a little funky, then that probably isn’t going to turn her on at all.
Putting more effort into your hygiene is a great thing to do. A lot of men take this for granted, but when you smell fresh and clean that can make a woman want to get closer to you. Also invest in some good cologne (please don’t drown yourself in it), and some types smell good that you can use on a daily basis. Some women may like some “funk” but most are turned on by a nice smelling man.

5. Commitment
I know what you may be thinking, “but I don’t even know her well enough yet”. Completely understood, but this isn’t simply about a willingness to commit to her. It’s about showing an ability to commit to anything positive in your life. It could be your spiritual walk, your kids, your dreams, etc. Just showing that you are willing to put in the work and stay disciplined can be a huge turn on. You would still need to be able to find a balance if you move forward with her, but it will certainly make her more confident in your ability to commit to her as well.

6. Confidence
This is one of the most important, if not the most important factor in turning a woman on and gaining her attention. Confidence is s*xy. Women love it, and the same goes for men. If you lack confidence your energy isn’t likely to arouse her one bit. You have to see the value in who you are, and be comfortable with who you are. Just don’t confuse confidence with arrogance. Confidence presents itself, arrogance tends to have to announce itself.

7. Showing Desire Not Desperation

You may have guessed everything on this list up to this point. This right here doesn’t get talked about enough but it sure can make a difference between turning her off and turning her on. A woman likes to be desired (hopefully respectfully) but when you start to look desperate, that just isn’t a good look. Understanding how to show desire without crossing the line of desperation will work in your favor. Coming off as “thirsty” (I know that term gets abused and misused a lot) will probably leave you with nothing to drink.

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