
Friday 6 February 2015

Ex Niger Delta Militants Express Readiness To Disintegrate Nigeria

Convener of Ex-Niger Delta Militants Revolutionary Front, General JohnBosco Caterpillar, has declared that Nigeria will have no option than to disintegrate should the current wave of violence unleashed on the nation’s minorities goes unchecked.

The former warlord, who disclosed this while interacting with newsmen, condemned the attack on minorities residing in the northern part of the country whose business and livelihood have been affected by incessant violence and bomb blasts.

Alleging that increased attacks by the northern extremists was a ploy to destabilise and discredit the government of Goodluck Jonathan, he said the Niger Delta militants who had willingly opted to surrender their armed struggle and embraced amnesty will soon retrace their steps as a means of defending their people.

Caterpillar went on to request security agencies to apprehend those northern leaders who had through their various unguarded statements promoted violence and the inhumanity being perpetrated in the north.

“We expect that by now the security agencies should have told us the number of people they have arrested for crimes against the state like inciting the people to violence, treason and even terrorism as they have variously supported terrorism and even called for violence through their declaration,” he said.

He categorically revealed that the former militants were already regrouping to go back to the creeks in wait for further actions from the north as well as the security agents who are expected to tame the north and the nation’s provocateurs. He added that they were ready to continue their armed struggle to emancipate the Niger Delta Region from oppression.

His words, “It has become obvious that war is inevitable because the north sees the country as its property leaving others behind. This we will not accept, I am hereby supporting my Igbo brothers who have called for self-defense. Let everyone who has no form of defence mechanism go and fortify themselves immediately”.

While condemning the attempted attack on President Goodluck Jonathan’s rally in Gombe State, he decried the silence and inaction that has followed the supposed assassination attempt.

Alleging that threats and violence has been visited on Niger Deltans and other minorities based on their decision to support President Jonathan, Caterpillar held that the north was tactically disenfranchising the Southerners ahead of the elections.

“Threats and violence has been visited on supporters of Goodluck Jonathan which clearly shows that the elections have already been rigged. Mr. President’s supporters are being forced out of the north daily basis without their votes being transferred to their home states. This is systematic rigging and marginalisation and we won’t sit back and allow our people suffer such injustice,” he claimed.

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