
Thursday 18 December 2014

How to organise your work day better

Do you often find yourself in a heap of work, unsure of how you’ll get though it all? Avoid causing yourself unnecessary stress by simply planning your work day better. All you to do is devise a well-thought out plan of action for the day ahead and then tick things off your list as you go along. Below is a list of things you can do to ensure you have a more productive day at work.

Learn to say no to unnecessary meetings
When you’re invited for a meeting, ask yourself whether it’s essential for you to be there. You have to be able to distinguish between an essential meeting and one that will only waste your time. For example, a meeting with your meeting would be important whereas a meeting to discuss the colours of a newsletter –not so much. Your time is money, which means you have to figure out how you can get the best out of your working day with regards to meeting deadlines and working through your workload.

Start your day with a to-do list
Most computers have some sort of system to help you manage your workload. Stickies for example is one of them, and placing your tasks on your calendar is another. Use these resources to make lists on your computer first thing in the morning. Write down what needs to get done during the day and allocate a time frame to it. Start with the most difficult task and work your way to the easier ones. If the task is too big, break it up into reasonable, smaller sections. Then, as you work your way through each one, tick them off. You’ll be surprised how satisfying it is to tick off your tasks.

Take a break between tasks
Studies have demonstrated that employees who take regular, quick breaks between tasks have more energy than those who work eight hours, straight, with no breaks in between. If you have more energy, you’ll be more productive and get more done. A more energetic and more productive employee is also a lot happier as they tend to feel more accomplished.

Eliminate distractions
Unless you’re a social media manager or have to constantly monitor your social media channels, there’s no need to stay on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or any other social network for that matter. Distractions are just that, distracting. Cut out all the things that keep you from doing your work and you’ll soon see your workload decreasing.

Consider preparing your to-do list the night before

Little things make a big difference in your day-to-day preparations. For example, deciding on what to wear the night before can save you a lot of time the next morning and preparing your lunch or children’s lunch the night before will eliminate a lot of chaos and anxiety the next morning. Do these little things and you’ll soon see how every morning will run like clockwork.

The early bird gets the worm
It’s simple – sleep is hugely important to ensure your work days are productive. Get at least eight hours of sleep every night to ensure you wake up refreshed and ready to take on any new challenges that come your way.

Start your career today – register your profile on Careers24 and apply to quality jobs in just a few easy steps. www.careers24.com.ng

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