
Saturday 15 November 2014

Soldiers Ready To Invade Sambisa Forest To Fight Against Insurgency

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We can't wait to hear the outcome of the attack in the sambisa forest......Nigerian troops are taking the battle against insurgency to Boko Haram’s fortress, as they were reportedly seen marching towards Sambisa forest yesterday.

According to a report by Thisday, hundreds of soldiers were seen on Damboa Road, Maiduguri, in several military trucks driving military equipment towards the Sambisa forest on Friday morning. 

The military have often been said to be avoiding the forest where over 200 schoolgirls abducted from their school in Chibok in April 14, had been taken.

The decision of the military to move in on the terrorists may not be unconnected with the way the Mubi attack occurred.

A top intelligence source told Thisday that the Mubi attack was a total shock to the military, especially as they lost many soldiers.

“The first priority was to liberate Mubi because of its strategic nature and our next target is Sambisa forest to strike back at those boys. You know we lost some officers and others were injured including a Lieutenant-Colonel. So, we have mobilised our air and ground forces for an attack. Air crafts have been mobilised and we are ready to dislodge them from their enclave”, the source said.

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