
Sunday 19 October 2014

3 Weird Erection Facts You Did Not Know!!!

                                       Sexy Man
If you think you know about sex, erection and the penis. Well, I can bet that at least 2 of these facts will come as a surprise to you.

Here we go:

 1.    Oral Sex Can Give Better Erection: According to a study, an erection measured receiving oral sex is larger and stronger than if measured after just fantasizing or a giving themselves a hand job (masturbation). So if you want a harder erection, you might consider getting a mouth job first.

2.    There Are Three Kinds of Erections: The first kind of erection is called Reflexogenic erections which comes physical contact, eg kissing.  Psychogenic erections come from audiovisual stimulation or fantasy  eg porn, or seeing a sexy person. The third one, nocturnal erections, is unintentional and takes place, at night.

3.    Smoking and Drinking Can Kill Your Penis: Erectile dysfunction can be cause by too much drinking and smoking. Many people with this condition noticed a marked difference when they reduce their indulgence in smoking and drinking. So, if you are having weak erections, try cutting back on these habits.

Believe me, they are all true.

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