
Friday 26 December 2014

Man Thrown Out of Plane for Responding Poorly to 'Merry Christmas' Greeting

Where is the Christmas spirit? On Tuesday, a passenger was thrown out of a plane at the a Guardia airport on Tuesday because of his angry response when airline workers wished him a Merry Christmas.

The man, who was waiting to board Flight 1140 to Dallas, was greeted cheerfully by a gate agent who was checking the boarding passes of the passengers.

The belligerent man, who was travelling along, replied: “You shouldn’t say that because not everyone celebrates Christmas.”

So the agent asked: “Well, what should I say then?”

“Don’t say, ‘Merry Christmas!’ ” the man yelled and brushed her aside. He got onboard the plane, and a flight attendant wished him a Merry Christmas, and that just blew the man's fuse.

“Don’t say, ‘Merry Christmas!’ ” he cried again and began to angrily lecture the crew about the 'political incorrectness' of their greeting.

While the crew tried to calm him down the man would have none of it, and he continued to 'hector' them.

He was escorted off the plane as other passengers burst into applause and cheers.

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