
Sunday 15 March 2015

Nooo... Nigerian Man Absconds In London With Caucasian Lady, After London Based Chic, Brought Him In

These guys have no chill. Really? This was sent in by her friend. This is a story to warn other hard working ladies about fraudulent Nigerians who have no issue in trampling over good people.

Last year my friend brought her fiancé to London, he was based in Nigeria and he convinced her that they should get married and live in the UK. Before this took place, my friend purchased a car for him, she also paid for his masters at the university of Lagos. According to him, he couldn't get a job after he graduated so my friend felt obliged to send him money to start up an IT business, despite my disapproval and my pleas for her not to.

As I am sat here, writing this, my eyes are filled with tears.

My friend has not heard from this liar in three weeks. He left the home that they share together and through mutual friends I have found out that he has absconded with a Caucasian woman. I have even more shocking news.....it has been confirmed that they are now married. I am in total disbelief.

EVERY woman needs to know that spending money on men is a waste of time! No good can EVER come of it.

My friend refused to listen to any of her friends, and she is paying the price

I have already told her that I want this story to be published on your blog and she agrees that it should.

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