
Friday 13 February 2015

Taraji .P.Henson says she is still single because she is waiting for a Jay Z & Beyonce Kind of Love

One of my favorite women in the world, Hollywood actress Taraji .P.Henson wants a relationship like Jay Z and Beyonce's..The 44 year old reposted a photo of the power couple clutching their Grammys and wrote.........

"AND THIS IS HOW YOU CONQUER THE WORLD!!!! #youNEEDyourRideOrDie PERIOD!!!! We make it harder than it has to be. Find that one who CHALLENGES YOU 2B your BETTER self!!! We're getting lazy in the relationship area!!! #IJS #RELATIONSHIPS aren't easy but with the RIGHT #PahtnahINGOD YOU BOTH WILL WIN! #POTUSFLOTUS #JayzBeyonce etc...... #PayAttention #ThisISwhyImstillsingle #ImPatient #ItsGOTTOBERIGHT #GODSENT #Repost from @beyonce" See the post below..........


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