
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Nigerian Troops Again Eliminates Scores Of Boko-Terrorists Members

Nigerian Troops have successfully repelled an attack by boko terrorists members on the northeastern town of Biu, today, Wednesday, killing scores of the terrorists, reports Reuters.

Dozens of terrorists members drove into Biu in pick-up trucks and on motorcycles, witness Yahaya Mshelliza told Reuters by telephone.
“They came shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is greatest) and shooting everywhere, but were immediately confronted by Nigerian soldiers for three hours, leading to the death of dozens of insurgents” Mshelliza said.

“At the moment only three escaped into the bush and are being pursued by the soldiers.

”A security source confirmed the events, but had no further details.

Photo credit- AP

Well done troops, victory is sure...

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