
Friday 16 January 2015

Boko Haram leader rejoices over Charlie Hebdo killings

 The leader of Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau has praised the recent attack on the office of satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo.

Shekau stated this in Arabic while holding a rifle in an eight-minute video posted online, Bloomberg reports.

“We are very happy with what happened at the heart of France. Oh you French people, oh you who follow the religion of democracy, between you and us is enmity to eternity,”Shekau said.

Boko Haram is believed to have carried out its deadliest attack in Baga, Borno State during which 2,000 people reportedly died.

Cherif and Said Kouachi attacked the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo on January 7, killing 12 people. The Yemeni branch of Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the attack.

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