
Thursday, 23 October 2014

"Don't Touch My Girlfriend" Man Warns President

                           Barack Obama - US President
 US President Barack Obama was reportedly embarrased in public by a man while on a visit in Chicago on Monday.

"Mr President don't touch my girlfriend!" was heard in the crowd as Obama tried to drum up support and vote for incumbent governor, Pat Quinn, who is having difficulties seeking re-election.

Reports say a man later identified as Mike Jones, whose fiancee Aia Cooper was standing next to the president as he voted insisted the president avoids any contact with his woman.

According to a CNN report, President Obama replied: "I really wasn’t planning on it," later joking that Jones was "an example of a brother just embarrassing you for no reason."

Cooperhowever apologized on behalf of her boyfriend, telling President Obama that she knew her boyfriend would make a witty comment. "I can’t believe Mike, he is such a fool," She said.

President Obama still managed to get a hug and kiss from Cooper after voting despite her fiance 's rant.

But she reportedly told the President: "On the cheek, just the cheek — please, Michelle, don’t come after me — just the cheek!"

"Now, he's really jealous," Obama said to Cooper while looking for Jones in the crowd.

Lol, Obama is just hilarious!


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